
Double Vision is a video production team who have a library of amazing footage from many rave events and club nights in Scotland throughout the 90s. Many of the artists featured on this website can be seen performing in Double Vision clips.

Tom Wilson was a friend and colleague when he passed away in spring 2004. His ‘Steppin’ Out’ radio show on Forth FM gave many of the tracks featured here their first legitimate radio airplay. Tom DJ’d extensively at a great many rave and dance events throughout the country, he released several tracks himself and absolutely championed the scene. His ‘Bonus Beats’ show gave upcoming DJs and producers vital opportunities. His later ‘Beat 106’ old skool show and compilation albums kept the music at the forefront during challenging times. A universally liked and much missed figure.

Bill Grainger was the founder of Clubscene Records and its associated businesses, including Bill Grainger Management and Fire Island Records. A well known figure throughout the UK and beyond, he was a hugely popular radio presenter, events organiser and much more. Bill passed away in 2018 and there’s a fitting tribute from a friend and colleague on the Clubscene Digital Facebook page. Part of my aim in running this website is to tell the story of Clubscene and what Bill and his colleagues and the artists they worked with built. For a small business based in Bathgate, Clubscene had incredible UK wide distribution. Its bands played gigs all over the world. They released albums and videos that outsold major label household name competitors. The majority of the work was kept in house – for example design, artwork etc. It’s an incredible, inspiring, Scottish success story which should be documented and preserved.

Mallorca Lee was a founding member of Ultra-Sonic and a much loved figure in the rave scene. He died after a short, sudden illness in early 2024 and is deeply missed. Mallorca’s ‘1994’ club nights captured much of the original rave spirit and he leaves an incredible legacy. His friends and family continue to honour that and there are merchandise and music projects proving very popular with fans.

More links will follow soon.